Tuesday, January 12, 2010

No More Cubicle 2010

Ah, 2010. Sounds like a Sci-Fi movie or an impossibly far off, distant future that could never actually exist. But, it's happening, it's here. And, considering the countdown to the end of the world is in full swing (in certain circles anyway... 2010 isn't it?), I decided now's as good a time as ever to re-evaluate my career. And, all that re-evaluating led me to one realization - my career sucks.


So, I'm launching my Attack Plan - and the end goal? No More Cubicle 2010.

A noble goal, really. World peace, worldwide literacy at all socio-economic levels, an end to AIDS, oh, and me trying to get the f*@% out of that little place known as Corporate America.

So, we're roughly 12 days in, and well, 2010 finds me in a cubicle. But, here's to hoping we close out the year somewhere different. Don't get me wrong, in the midst of all this economic meltdown business, I am more than thankful and more than fortunate to have a job - and I do realize that. But, I do think it's time to rethink an renegotiate - so, here I am - rethinking and renegotiating.

And, just to keep me honest, I'm going to share my little attack plan with you all ("you all" being my 1-3 readers...) and keep you updated on the progress throughout the year. And, see where 2010 takes me... or more honestly, where I take myself.

Attack Plan - No More Cubicle 2010

  • Take classes at the Upright Citizen's Brigade here in NYC (for those of you keeping count, they begin this Jan - the 25th to be exact).
  • Take writing classes (1st class kicks off at NYU in Feb)
  • Blog weekly (I am aware that this has, so far, been a blog without the blogging. I'm going to work on changing that. Just hope I have something interesting to say. Or, if not, I at least just say stuff anyway)
  • Write a children's book (already in draft form - the concept and storyline is there, now I just need to cmmit it to paper. Always my challenge.)
  • Get Chocolate Chaos Chopstick (working title) into working order and submit it out for review

  • Oh, and run the NYC marathon in sub 4 hours...

  • And, one more thing, try not to be the most self-involved girlfriend ever while trying to tackle all this
So, there it is. I'm hoping something will stick - something. Something, out of all this, will lead me to something new, something different, something that doesn't involve a cubicle. I don't want to be one of those people that totally relates to Dilbert cartoons. Or Cathy cartoons for that matter, but that's a different matter entirely.

Guess we'll see what happens. At the very least this year I plan to fully enjoy the ride. And listen to a lot of Lady Gaga.


1 comment:

Karen M said...

Yay! Great list, and I know you can do it. You are one of the most talented and hardworking people I know. Can't wait to hear all about the classes, they sound like so much fun.

Can you access twitter at work? If so you should totally sign up. It makes the work day much more enjoyable :)